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Our Leaders!

Meet the Spiritual Team


Kimone Kerr-Codling
& Minister Andrew Codling

Elect Pastor/Leader

Evangelist Nickeana Waite-Johnson &
Minister Donavan Johnson


Missionary Marcia Bonney-Bell

Sunday School Super-Intendents

Meet our Bishop & Pastor

Bishop DR. Lloyd E. Russell, DD


Bishop Dr. Lloyd E. Russell is the Presiding Prelate of the Pentecostal Tabernacle Apostolic Ministries International. He currently serve as the Pastor of PTA Hartford Connecticut. Bishop Russell Founded the PTAMI organization in 1991 year ago with its first branch in Hartford Connecticut. Bishop Russell continues to work and focus towards his vision of working for and serving God, making a difference as he leads the people of God on God’s mission.  He is motivated with the love of God and always loving others.  As preacher, teacher, educator, counselor, leader, visionary, Bishop Russell continues to serve God and His people in humility, sincerity and truth.  He possesses an endearing passion for souls.  His motto is “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord.” As a spiritual counselor, Bishop Russell has made his services available to anyone who requires spiritual counseling. His vision led him to establish the Newfield Community Enrichment and Empowerment Campus (NCEEC) in 2012. The campus holds several programs that caters to the community. These include: Singles ministry, Couples ministry, a vibrant Outreach and Tract ministry which target people in Hartford and its surroundings, Public Relations, C A R E, Mentor program, Tutoring and Computer training, Youth Theological Studies, Health and wellness Center among several others. Bishop Russell is married to the lovely Elder, Lisda Russell since 1974, a blissful union that has produced two children, Kevin and Kadian, along with grand-children.


Pastor, Kimone Kerr-Codling


Pastor Kimone Kerr-Codling started her journey with the Lord Jesus Christ in June 2009. She was baptized and fill with the Holy Ghost under the UPCI Ministries at Missions Tabernacle UPC under the leadership of Pastor Paul Orie and Evg. Joan Orie. She later continued her journey at the Anchovy House of Prayer and Praise under the Leadership of Bishop Elect Reginald Myrie and Evg. Cynthia Myrie. She later migrated to the USA from Jamaica where she joined the P.T.A.M.I family and got anointed as Pastor. She currently Pastors the Anchored PTA Ocala Church located in Ocala, Florida. Pastor Kimone Kerr-Codling firmly believes Holiness unto the Lord is her watch word and song. She is married to Minister Andrew Codling. They both love serving the Lord in spirit and truth. They also love serving people and Pray that God will save the souls of everyone they come in contact with.

Pastor Kimone Kerr-Codling is a visionaries, she owns multiple business and holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing. Despite all her accomplishments. Her Greatest accomplishment is living and serving the Lord in Spirit and in Truth.


Anchored Pentecostal Tabernacle Apostolic of  Ocala

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Phone: 352-444-9147

Address: 807 A SW 3rd Avenue, Ocala, Florida, 34471

©2022 by Anchored PTA Ocala.

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